What is this obsession with black?

From Black hats, dresses, cats to bats
the witch is synonymous with black
Now I'm fond of a touch of black myself as this blog
can testify. I definitely don't think black is a bad colour.
The LBD is a staple of many a women's wardrobe
and sometimes I just like to dress my mood,
which at times black matches perfectly.
Black can be both sexy and at the same
time allow one to blend in to the background.
Depending how it is worn.
But there is too much of good thing, Even witches
houses are normally shown in a dismal light, the
interiors shown in a state of neglect and repair.
This surely is not right.
No self respecting witch would live in a house
that was not a comfortable place to reside.
When I think of a witches home it's neat as a pin with
homemade touches dotted around from patchwork
homemade touches dotted around from patchwork
covers on the bed to home made preservers in the pantry.
A cottage garden to delight both the senses and provide
all that is need for home made remedies and spells.
There is only one film I've come across that showcases this type
of witch and who have a house any witch would spell cast to own.
'Practical Magic'
Who could not fall in love with the aunts
and their lovely light embraced home.
So here I am to strike a blow against the black witch stereotype.
Shabby Chic Witches stand up and be counted,
get out your pastels, pinks and blues or release your
jewel colours of red and emerald.
Be a witch that walks proud and colourful.
The above should have been part of Magaly's of Pagan Culture
Sexy, dark and bloody blog party. Sadly I was traveling under my own dark
cloud of depression for a while and miss the fun and merriment.
Still I firmly believe in the old sentiment,
better late than never.
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